Assisted Living at Hawkins Gate LLC is very pleased to share that our staff and residents have been designated as high priority by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to receive the COVID-19 vaccine!
We have been registered under the Pharmacy Partnership for Long Term Care Program. This program will facilitate COVID-19 vaccinations in long term care settings. The CDC/Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is partnering with CVS, Walgreens and select pharmacies in the Managed Health Care Associates Network (MHA) to distribute and administer vaccines to long term care facilities (LTC).
AS a part of this program, these pharmacies will:
• Schedule and coordinate on-site clinic date(s) directly with each community
• Order vaccines and associated supplies
• Ensure proper storage of the vaccine.
• Provide on-site administration of the vaccine for residents and any staff not previously vaccinated.
• Report required vaccination data to the local, state/territorial, and federal public health authorities within 72 hours of administering each dose.
• Adhere to all applicable Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requirements for COVID-19 testing for LTC staff and residents.
As noted above, we are very encouraged by these developments and the opportunity to receive the vaccine on a priority basis. Please contact us to learn the exact procedure and anticipated clinic dates.
*Long Term Care settings are defined as assisted living, memory care, and skilled nursing
